I've been reading a magazine called "The English Garden". I know, I know - sounds as boring as it can get, but as you may know, gardening has become a passion of mine after we got the summer house.
I've sometimes wondered why it IS such a passion and what it means to me. And in this issue of "The English Garden", there's a lovely article called "Profound Pursuits" by Tim Smits, famous for his Eden Project:
"Gardening is not just a fashionable pastime. It adds meaning, contentment and a sense of belonging to your life."
I couldn't agree more. I could add instant stress relief, calm, quiet, and the joys of harvesting your own eco-goodies to the list of gardening pleasures, but if I start such a list, I'll never finish it.
The picture below of Susan Hill’s ”Mud Maid” at Heligan illustrates the article, and it took my breath away, because that is exactly how I feel every Friday night when we arrive at the summer house after a long week full of city noise and work, work, work.
There must be great anticipation all week long for Friday to arrive so you can get away and put it all behind for a short escape.
Posted by: Mimi | September 21, 2010 at 00:50