I've added another new link on my blogroll. It is a site by my very dear friend, Jacob Noel, whom I've known for ... well ... I guess it's about 18 years. Jacob is one of a kind. Although educated at The Danish Art Academy, he remains refreshingly unimpressed with the often hollow and self-gratifying socio-culture of the art world.
For the past years, Jacob has focused on photography with a strong thematic passion for urbanity - particularly architecture. In Jacobs work, architecture is experienced twofold - as a landscape within which human existence unfolds and as a strange and sometimes lonely entity which takes on a different meaning and existence in the absence of human beings.
In one of his projects, Jacob created a series of photos of empty sports arenas, particularly in Barcelona. The photos were tagged with information about when the last event took place and when the next one would begin - tags that gave the photos a strange, emphasised emptiness - a time/space suspension. Another project - which is still in the making - investigates urbanity in Los Angeles, Tokyo, Damascus and Barcelona.
Besides being a fantastic and inspiring human being, Jacob is a generous soul (always has been), so I am the lucky owner of some of his drawings and photos. I've got one hanging over my worspace at home. It's possible to catch a glimpse of it in the photo in this post.
Anyway - now you have the opportunity to enjoy some of his work online.
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