The sun is shining with a stunning brightness today. It flows through the windows with that overwhelming spring intensity, revealing every little speck of dust in the flat. My husband has gone to the cinema with our son and a friend of his. They're going to see Robots. I really wanted to go with them, or to go outside and enjoy the wonderful sun. But! I was out partying Friday and got terribly drunk. I spent all day Saturday on the couch regretting that and feeling sorry for myself. So, today, I have to work.
While the rest of the family is out, I have to repent my excesses. I have a usability report which has to be done by Monday evening, so here I am. At my desk. Sighing a little, looking out the window, and procrastinating by writing this instead. But not for long. I will be good! I'll go back to work now! I will!
Hope you managed to get the report done.
I hate hangovers. Blogging is perfect for procrastinators, isn't it? Makes me feel right at home!
That's an interesting picture on the wall. What is that? Franz Kline?
Posted by: Roger | April 12, 2005 at 03:39
Hey Roger. Yes ... blogging might in fact be the final downfall for procrastinators like myself. The ever present temptation. I'm not sure procrastination ends up providing the most interesting posts, though! ;-)
The picture on the wall is a photo taken by a old friend of ours (in fact, he's the on who introduced us to each other 15 years ago). It shows the silhouette of a messy hub of power lines somewhere in the vicinity of Tokio, Japan.
Posted by: MherloffM | April 12, 2005 at 07:55
Ah yes, I can see now that it's a photograph rather than a painting. I just saw what looked to be black brush strokes on a white background and thought it looked a bit Kline-ish.
Fascinating to see little details of people's lives.
Posted by: Roger | April 13, 2005 at 13:07